The Badische Turnzeitung (BTZ) is the information and service magazine for doers in the gymnastic and sports clubs of the Baden Turner-Bund. In addition to an exciting and enigmatic focus topic, the BTZ offers all practice and department heads, board members and club members news from the association's life, information on current events, news and photos from specialist areas, competition events, gymnastics youth and gymnastics. Suggestions for club practice are provided by best practice examples and specialist contributions to club development. The BTZ appears monthly. Six issues per year also include the "Ü-Magazin" with tips for instructors.
Readers of E-Magazine can look forward to digital features and enhancements such as reading mode, gallery view, bookmarks, full-text search, additional photos and videos as well as links to further information.
The Baden-Turner-Bund e.V. (BTB) is the largest Gesamtbadischer sports association with more than 450,000 members in 1,137 clubs in 13 gymnastics. The variety of sports under the umbrella of the BTB include: gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, general gymnastics, dance, gymnastics and dance, trampoline gymnastics, gymnastics, rope skipping, orienteering, capoeira, aerobics, fistball, indiaca, bounce ball, ring tennis, multi-fights, a variety on non-competitive offers in the areas of "Fitness + Health", "Dance + Shows" and "Nature Sports" (GYMWELT) as well as children and youth gymnastics.
Contact for questions, suggestions and further information:
Badischer Turner-Bund e.V.
At the Fächerbad 5
76131 Karlsruhe
Telephone: 0721 1815-0